Elementary Activities
All elementary schools are excited to offer the following athletic programs:
- Running Club - September through October
- Girls Basketball - November through December
- Boys Basketball - January through February
- Coed Volleyball - March through April
These offerings are for 4th & 5th grade students at each elementary school. Based on participation numbers and supervision, some schools may also include younger aged students with athletic director approval.
In Running Club, students will participate at their school two times per week. With the other sports, the season will start with two practices per week and then transition to a blended practice and game schedule. Practices will run after school until 4:00 or 4:15 p.m. Teams will play other local elementary schools, having both home and away games. Parents/guardians will be responsible for transportation to away games. Families and friends are invited to attend games. Each player will have a jersey shirt to wear for games! Jersey shirts will be returned at the end of the season. Each coach will send home additional information to students who sign-up to play, including their contact information as well as a schedule of practices and games.
The elementary athletic program is meant for students to receive fundamental skills, playing opportunities, develop teamwork, school spirit, and to have fun. All participants should have tennis shoes and shorts/sweatpants to wear.
Students will be required to be in good standings with their academics, attendance, and behavior at school in order to play. There may be restrictions on participation for students not meeting district and school expectations. Students are expected to be picked up promptly when practices and games end. The first late pick-up is a warning. Repeat incidents may affect participation in the program.