Dear NCES Families and Community,
It is our pleasure to welcome back everyone for another great year at NCES. It is our mission to create a partnership with families and the community who are dedicated to providing a safe, caring environment where diverse learners can be successful, have opportunities to reach maximum potential, and acquire the skills to become productive members of society as well as life-long learners.
At NCES, we have great teachers who spend hours planning and creating classroom activities to engage our students in learning. Our teachers utilize research-based best practices and analyze data to determine current skill levels and set goals for growth and improvement. We want to welcome a few new staff members.
Mrs. Rotta - Grade 5 Teacher
Mrs. Greil - Grade 4 Teacher
Ms. Pittman - School Psychologist
Mr. Homp - School Counselor
Mr. Hock - Physical Education Teacher
7:50-8:00 a.m. Student arrival to school
Students are restricted from the school campus prior to 7:50 a.m. Students will be directed and escorted by staff into the building upon arrival. Staff will begin supervision and open school entry door #4 at 7:50 a.m.
Bus drop off at door #1 (front entrance).
Personal vehicle drop-off will be in the east parking lot. Students will enter door #4
Family vehicles should enter through the middle opening and exit through the east exit.
Students will go directly to their lockers and classroom. Students participating in the breakfast program will take a grab-n-go breakfast and eat in their classroom.
8:05 a.m. Start of the academic day
3:05 p.m. Student dismissal from school
Staff will dismiss classes as follows:
Additional Information
Access by guests will be limited. Please make an appointment with the school secretary. You will need your driver's license.
Attendance will be taken daily. If your child is ill, follow past practices of calling the school office to communicate the illness and symptoms. The State of WI has not changed the State Statute on attendance and truancy. Our academic day begins at 8:05 a.m. Arrival after 8:15 a.m. will be considered tardy.
Label personal items as they will not be shared amoungst students. Clear, labeled water bottles are also recommended, however, drinking fountains are available.
Yours in Service,
Gayle Daniel, NCES Principal
Last Updated: 8/20/2024